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What is Reiki


Reiki (pronounced “Ray-Key”) is a Japanese word, which means Universal (“Rei”) Life Energy (“Ki”). It is an ancient form of healing, which was re-discovered and developed in the late 19th century by Dr Mikao Usui. There are a few variations of Reiki out there, but all of them focus on the Reiki energy stimulating your body's natural healing process and restoring the natural flow of energy. As a Practitioner, we channel this energy through our hands into your body. It is a gentle yet powerful, intelligent force that will only go to where is needed. It reinforces the body’s natural ability to heal itself on all levels - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Please note: Reiki is complementary, not alternative, so cannot replace conventional medicine and medical practises. It is a natural healing process that can support and enhance any other forms of treatment. I am not trained in medical conditions and will not offer any diagnosis or prognosis. If people are concerned about their symptoms, they should see their GP.


Who should have Reiki?

Does any of the below resonate with you?

  • Suffer with mental health

  • Feel stressed / anxious

  • Suffered trauma

  • Feel disconnected

  • You’re a parent

  • You’re child-free

  • You’re happy, stress-free & balanced

  • You’re an adult

  • You’re a child

  • You’re curious about Reiki

Reiki supports your journey, so that you can experience amazing improvements to overall health and wellbeing. It brings so much to everyone, no matter what your story is.


What are the benefits of Reiki?

Reiki is a gentle healing process that works beneath the surface. It encourages your body and your energy, to do what it needs to, so that it can improve your health and well-being. Reiki will help to

  • Support your mind so that you feel stronger and better able to cope with life

  • Comfort you spiritually by giving you a sense of oneness and feeling more connected


Benefits aren’t something you can always see or feel, especially with Reiki. Whilst some people notice changes straight away, it is quite common to notice nothing at all, or for it to take time before noticing any shifts. Either way, you can be assured that there will always be a positive, healing experience, even if it’s at a deeper, sub-conscious level. 


What can you expect when having Reiki?

The session as a whole

Every practitioner is different, but here is what you can expect at Aura Storm.


When you arrive, we will go upstairs to my little sanctuary. I have created a space that is cosy, calm, and comfortable so that you can feel separate from the world outside for the brief time you’re here. Following some form completing, I will go through Reiki briefly and cover any questions you may have. 


Your session is not timed, but the Reiki itself usually lasts around 45-50mins, so it’s best to allow for a total of 1 – 1.5hrs for your session. 

The session itself

You will lie down, fully clothed, on the table. Reiki will begin when I gently lay my hands on your head, and then I will gradually lay my hands on various parts of your body as I walk around the table (non-intrusively and unlike a massage). I will always close at your feet and then after a quick aura wipe down with my hands, the gentle sound of my tincture bells will signal the end of your session. You will be offered a glass of water, whilst we have a chat about anything we feel is relevant and important to discuss. All sessions are completely confidential, so please know you are in a safe space to do this.


 Whilst some people do report various sensations, it is quite common to not feel anything. However, here are a few well-known sensations.

  • Strong hot or cold sensations, especially where my hands are

  • Tingling

  • Seeing colours

  • Feeling deeply relaxed, which may bring on sleep

  • Light-headedness or floating-like feeling

  • Stomach gurgling

  • Twitching

  • Yawning


If you feel anything at all, please just try to relax into it, as it is usually your body releasing and working through what it needs to, so it is important to let it all go. Just relax, breathe, and know that anything you may experience, is all for your highest good.


What do you need to do during a session?


Simply lie back and relax without any expectations or focus on a particular outcome. Be open and trust the process whilst enjoying the relaxing, serene, and healing time you have devoted to yourself.


What can you expect following a session?

Reiki is a gentle technique, but powerful enough to potentially bring up emotions, make you feel lethargic, light-headed, or just out of sorts. It can sometimes feel like a mild detox. Please be mindful of this and try to follow the simple aftercare advice given after your session (i.e., walking, drinking water). 


how does distant Reiki differ to in-person?

You can be anywhere else in the world, other than my treatment room! The treatment is still the same, and I carry it out in the same manner as I would if you were here.


Distance Reiki is perfect for anyone who finds it uncomfortable to receive hands-on treatments, or for those who are physically unable to come and receive a treatment at Aura Storm. We agree a day / time that works for both of us, but that enables you to relax and have some all-important “you” time. Whilst you can still receive Reiki as you go about your normal day, it is always more beneficial for you, to be as open and relaxed as possible. A little quiet time for you is never a bad thing either! Put on some music, dim the lights, block out the world and relax!


Is there anything else I need to know?


Crystals are believed to have frequencies at which they vibrate, that help balance the environment and the chakras, which are basic, fundamental aspects of our being. They’re believed to be powerful, healing tools which can support the healing of mental ailments, as well as aiding in meditation, and create a more positive environment in the home. I have crystals perfectly placed around the treatment room to help boost your overall experience. 



Chakras are believed to be energy centres within the human body, which help regulate emotions. There are seven chakras positioned throughout your body and each one has its own vibrational frequency, colour, and govern specific functions that help make you human. The ability of your energy centres to function optimally, is what keeps you mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually balanced.

  • Root (1st) is at the bottom of the tailbone (in the perineum for men and in the cervix for women)

  • Sacral (2nd) is in your pelvic region, a couple of inches below the belly button

  • Solar Plexus (3rd) sits in your stomach, around 2-3 inches above the belly button

  • Heart (4th) is in your chest, in and around your heart space

  • Throat (5th) is in the middle of your throat

  • Third Eye (6th) is between the eyebrows, extending to your brain’s pineal gland

  • Crown (7th) is at the very top of your head, resting on your crown  


Although Reiki and the chakras come from different spiritual and cultural traditions, some practitioners use the chakras as an essential part of healing. In today’s hectic, stress-inducing world, fully balanced chakras can be extremely rare to come by. If it's needed, I will check and rebalance each chakra, using a crystal pendulum. 


Spiritual support

Due to the nature of Reiki and how I connect to the energy, this understandably opens, and strengthens my spiritual connection. This means that during a treatment, I can potentially receive guidance and support. Sometimes, this manifests in me being shown ways in which a client can help themselves on their healing journey. Anything that does come through, I pass on at the end of our session. 



To book your Reiki session, please click
on the link below

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